As Labor Day approaches, most of us are returning to our routines. As I wrote in the last post, we can take this time to consider how to integrate FU3L into our daily lives most effectively. I highly recommend reaching your food, fitness, and faith goals with another, either a partner or a whole community (see post about tracking for more). I have found that after you've won the struggle for consistency in your own life, the next battle can be to bring others into your lifestyle. But we know that "actions speak louder than words" and the best way to recruit another to join you is to show them how.
An article on CNN highlights how the well-regarded pastor Rick Warren infused FU3L into his church. He saw the unhealthy state of his congregation but before addressing that need, he took a look at himself. He took to heart the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:5 (and Luke 6:42) that says, "...first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." He started by cutting out soda and then found inspiration from the book of Daniel to eat a diet of fruits and vegetables. Once he was able to shed pounds, he could call his church to follow his lead. As a group, they've started fitness initiatives and supported each other.
Rick Warren knew that just being a famous and oft-published church leader wouldn't be what motivated those he was shepherding. They had to see that he was willing to literally practice what he preached. And now the Saddleback church has taken ownership of their own journey to a FU3Led Life.
And why should we care about health from a Christian perspective? I really like Rick Warren's perspective: "The Father made your body, Jesus paid for your body, the Spirit lives in your body. You better take care of it." Amen
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