Having spent some extended time away from the city, I've been reflecting on how nature reveals to us how the world was intended. We can gain valuable perspective for FU3Ling from creation and living closer to the land. If you are interested in reading an opinion much more eloquent and knowledgeable than mine, I highly recommend reading a few of Wendell Berry's essays in the collection titled What Are People For?
What are practical ways you can FU3L closer to nature? Food is the easiest one to answer - by looking for quality ingredients where you know the source or are assured they are whole and unprocessed. A life of Fitness comes more easily when your activities of daily living are incorporated with nature. Our ancestors never stepped on a treadmill because they were working the land. By spending more time walking, biking, gardening, hiking, swimming, or other pursuits in the wilderness you will become healthier effortlessly. Finally, one can strengthen their Faith by reflecting on creation. Being surrounded by nature gives you perspective and proper humility, which is "not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less." The cycles of the seasons and the harvest demonstrates the power of incremental but consistent change to lead to transformative growth.
Do you agree? How do you think one can maintain this while living plugged into the current century and in a city? Leave a comment to start the discussion.
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